Co-Parenting Do’s and Don’ts

parenting do and dontsCollaborative co-parenting is vital to children’s success and well-being, but it can be a challenge for parents who are still navigating their relationship after a divorce. In order to make the transition into co-parenting easier, here are three do’s and don’ts to keep in mind from Sarah Carmody Law.


  1. Work with a Lawyer

Overland Park family lawyers such as Sarah Carmody Law can help you set boundaries to support effective co-parenting. Custody battles are not healthy for anyone, especially children. Working with an attorney can help reduce friction between parties and help focus the parties on the most important matters. A lawyer can help parents draw clear lines and ensure that everyone is able to parent to the best of their abilities.

  1. Communicate With One Another

You may not be on speaking terms personally, but co-parenting requires pleasant communication between both parents. In order to avoid stepping on toes, hurting feelings or crossing boundaries that result in more legal troubles, parents must find a way to communicate with one another and respect each other’s personal boundaries. Most often, the most effective and useful form of communication is written communication, usually text or email. Written communication allows a party to think about what they want to say, rather than lashing out emotionally. Written communication also prevents a he said/she said situation in the future. Be mindful that tone can be misinterpreted in written communication. Using bold, capital, or underlined words can come across as yelling, which will not help communication. Communication should focus solely on the child. It is inappropriate to attempt to use a conversation about the child to rehash personal problems of the relationship.

  1. Keep Your Emotions in Check

A family law firm in Overland Park KS isn’t the only essential part in your co-parenting journey; it’s highly recommended that both parents speak to a private mental health professional who can help them cope with their feelings surrounding the divorce and ensure they do not transfer any anger, resentment or pain toward their ex-partner onto their children.


  1. Use Children as Collateral

It’s not uncommon for parents to force children to “pick a side,” transmit messages or participate in arguments. Children are not responsible for adult problems.  A child can have a good relationship with both parents regardless of what each parent thinks of the other. Attempting to manipulate or use your child to hurt the other parent will only cause emotional trauma and pain for your child.

  1. Do Not Try to Make a Child Favor You

Whether it’s through lax rules, gifts or other tokens of affection, do not manipulate the situation in  hopes of becoming the “favorite” parent. Rules and consistency are imperative to a child’s well-being, and they need to respect both of their parents equally.

For some parents, enforcing values or rules they disagree with is an understandable challenge. Olathe family lawyers at Sarah Carmody Law can help parents define universal boundaries and rules that they can apply to ensure no one is overstepping.

  1. Do Not Make Important Choices Without Consulting One Another

Parents who have joint custody must consult one another before making major decisions regarding their child. Do not make a major change, such as moving, changing schools, or changing doctors, without consulting your co-parent. Parents should also know that excluding your co-parent from these types of decisions. Contact Overland Park based Sarah Carmody Law at 913-257-3110 to make your transition into co-parenting easier on everyone.

Contact the Overland KS Divorce and Mediation Attorneys at Sarah Carmody Law, LLC at 913-257-3110 today!

The Sarah Carmody Law, LLC provide legal services for families located in these areas: Shawnee, Overland Park, Olathe, Leawood, Mission, Kansas City, Lenexa and Johnson County. Let us help you today.